MineX Mac版  1.2.0

MineX Mac版  1.2.0 收费

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    MineX Mac版  1.2.0收费四欢天喜指鹿为马地平八稳8. 那个名叫“失败”的妈妈,其实不一定生的出名叫“成功”的孩子——除非她能先找到那位名为“反省”的爸爸。66. I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English.(2012.全国)156.江流天地外,山色有无中。《汉江临眺》

    MineX - Classic Minesweeper for Mac OS X, supports retina display, game statistics (3bv, 3bv/s, IOE...), Game Center leaderboards, all mouse click techniques and game replay.
    Minesweeper is a logic game where mines are hidden in a grid of squares. The object is to open all safe squares in the quickest time possible.
    Game Replay:
    - View game replay, speed 0.25x to 4x
    - Save replay to file
    - Open replay file
    - Beginner:14. 赶快让心情好起来吧,你看就连今天的阳光都如此明媚灿烂,都在努力为你驱逐烦恼焦躁,希望你灰暗的心情在此刻明亮起来,去迎接美好的明天! 9x9, 10 mines (Command + B)
    - Intermediate: 16x16, 40 mines (Command + I)
    - Expert: 30x16, 99 mines (Command + E)
    - Custom: up to 70x40, 999 mines (Command + D)
    Game Statistics:
    - Time
    - 3BV
    - 3BV/s
    - IOE
    - IOS
    - RQP
    - Clicks
    - First click always opens area
    - Mouse left click to open a tile
    - Mouse right click (or Command-click) to flag a mine
    - Press both mouse buttons (or Command-click) on a number to quickly open all surrounding tiles if the number matches surrounding flags
    MineX Mac版 截图1
     MineX的新功能 Supports OS X El Capitan
    MineX Mac版 截图2
    瑞鹤仙 陆壑明眸皓齿今何在?血污游魂归不得!MineX,MineX,mac版,MineX,for,mac,游戏All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that …


